To not use the defined character mappings defined in the resource fork, click here. To use the defined character mappings that have been set in the resource fork (STR# ID 4000), click here. To translate the whole document rather than just the current selection, click here. To translate only the current selection (if there is one), click here. To replace your current text with the translated version, click here. To put your translation into a new window, click here. This item allows you to insert a basic HTML document template. It is disabled because the current setting is to convert from HTML to text. This item allows you to remove HTML tags. It is disabled because the current setting is to convert to HTML. To not insert a basic HTML template around your text, click here. To insert a basic HTML template around your text, click here. To not remove all HTML tags, click here. To remove all HTML tags, click here. Click here to turn Balloon Help on or off. To select the option to translate HTML entities to their ASCII representation, click here. To select the option to mark up characters as HTML entities, click here. HTML entities are characters such as &<>". To select the option to replace HTML

tags with paragraphs, click here. To select the option to mark up paragraphs for HTML (

), click here. To select the option to translate converted text to 8 bit ASCII characters, click here. To select the option to translate 8 bit characters to an HTML compatible format, click here. To select the option to translate characters from the ISO Latin 1 tag format to ASCII characters, click here. To select the option to translate characters to ISO Latin 1 tags for HTML, click here. To translate characters in a text document to an HTML compatible format, click here. To convert HTML documents to text, click here. To leave your document untouched, click here. To translate your current document, click here.